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Induced seismic hazard modelling & analysis

DynaFrax provides integrated workflow for modelling induced seismic hazard as a result of human operation in subsurface environment, such as gas storage/extraction, fluid injection/withdrawal, nuclear waste disposal, heat storage. etc.


Reference: Groningen fault induced seismicity simulation


Customized development of numerical model and workflow

DynaFrax provides customized numerical modelling tools and workflows for various problems of the customers, such as hydraulic fracturing simulator, proppant transport simulator, acoustic emission simulator, rock blast simulator, rock fall simulator, etc. by advanced programming on the basis of Itasca's commercial software, Particle Flow Code (PFC)


References: 3D hydraulic fracturing simulation, 3D rock fall simulation


Training course

DynaFrax provides training course to universities, research institutes of the customized numerical modelling.


References: Lecture at international School for Geoscience Resources (IS-Geo) at KIGAM


DynaFrax UG (haftungsbeschränkt)
Telegrafenberg 14473 Potsdam
Phone: +49 (0)331 6264 27852, Germany
Managing director: Dr. Jeoung Seok Yoon
Registered in Potsdam Germany, HRB 31247 P
VAT ID: DE 319379221

Corporate Member of ISRM (International Society for Rock Mechanics and Rock Engineering)

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